Consider this … What’s going to be different for you?
This weekend we hear of the raising of Lazarus. It is the final conversion story that prepares us this year to enter into Holy Week. Have we taken the last three weeks seriously and looked at our lives and asked ourselves; what is different?
Conversion is an opportunity to recognize the encounter of Christ in our lives, and do something differently so that we can be holier, better disciples of Jesus. If we are doing the same things we did before these last three weeks, or even before our Lenten journey began, then are we really opening ourselves up to conversion?
All of us need conversion in our lives, no matter our age, sex, race, ethnicity, way of life, etc. Every one of us has an opportunity to turn our lives away from sin and embrace a lifestyle closer to Jesus’. Are we being kinder to our family? Are we more loving to our spouse/friends? Are we praying more? Are we more optimistic? Are we less anxious? Are we closer to our kids? Are we … I hope you get the point. If we can’t say yes to questions like these, then are we taking our faith and this Lenten Journey seriously? If we haven’t been, IT’S NOT TOO LATE!!!
This is our final week before we enter the holiest week of the year for us Catholic Christians. As we read in the Gospel this weekend, Jesus literally gives life to his dead friend. Jesus can give us life too and raise us to do more than we could ever expect, if we let him.
Next weekend is Palm Sunday. I pray that all of us make an effort to invite someone to join us as we begin Holy Week by commemorating Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem. At our 8:30 and 10:30 am Masses, we will have a Palm Sunday Procession in which we are inviting all to join in this solemn celebration and start to Holy Week. I want to invite everyone to participate, bring your children and grandchildren, bring your friends and neighbors, and experience a Palm Sunday like you’ve never experienced before!
As we prepare for Holy Week, don’t forget to plan on joining us on Holy Thursday (2023) at 5:30 pm in the Parish Hall of our Arcade Worship site for a ‘Friendship Supper’ before our Holy Thursday Celebration. This is a pot-luck dinner in which we break bread as a community of faith before we gather in the Church to remember Jesus’ action of breaking bread as Eucharist. Please sign up in the vestibules for this event, so we can plan and setup for this opportunity to truly commemorate ‘Our Lord’s Supper’.
Next Saturday, April 1st (2023), we will have a WORKDAY at our East Arcade Worship Site. Please come! We will gather at 8:00 am and work to accomplish some of the maintenance tasks that need to be addressed at this site. Many hands make lite work, and your help is appreciated! Bring basic tools to help if you can.
As we approach Holy Week, please ask yourself; what is going to be different? Take seriously the invitation to come closer to Jesus. Plan ahead and save some time to spend in Church that week. I’ll be there … will you?
Keep Smiling :) Fr. Bryan
Based on Fr. Bryan’s letter in the bulletin of March 26, 2023. Year indications added for future viewers.