Family Name Selection: Thank you to all who suggested names for our new parish family. All name suggestions were reviewed and narrowed down to the top three choices.
- Cattaraugus Creek Catholic Community
- Devoted Disciples of Christ the Redeemer
- Holy Shepherd Pastoral Community
The final decision is up to you, the parishioners of our family. Please help decide our family name by voting for your favorite.
Three easy ways to vote:
1. Simply complete the ballot (below) and mail to:
St. Aloysius
190 Franklin St.
Springville, NY 14141
2. Email your vote to:
3. Drop the ballot into the collection basket.
All votes must be received by Sunday, July 16, 2023.
If you’d like to mail your ballot or drop it in the collection basket, here is the the official ballot:
Based on the bulletin of July 2, 2023. Slightly modified for the web.