Consider this…
First Eucharist and the Month of Mary
This weekend we welcome Christian, and Alexander and Arabella to the Lord’s Table. Jesus comes to us in the gift of the Eucharist each week, and these three wonderful children will have their lives changed forever because of our Eucharistic Lord. First Communions are a great time for us to recall the powerful gift of the Eucharist in our own lives as well. Jesus gives us his very self in Body and Blood to feed us on our journey towards heaven. Think of it this way. I’m sure we’ve all had days in which we just NEED that cup of coffee, or energy drink to get through the day or the task ahead. They give us the boost we need to power through. The Eucharist is that and so much more for our own journey of life. It is the boost, energy, love, encouragement, hope and true presence of the Lord himself that assists us each week to persevere through.
Please pray in a special way for our children receiving this beautiful Sacrament of Initiation today.
This weekend we will also crown our Blessed Mother as we begin the month of May. As patroness of our parish, we have a special relationship with Our Lady and ask her to intercede for us to her Son. I encourage all of us to take some extra time throughout the month to pray to our Blessed Mother. Some ideas to celebrate the month of Mary include: Light a candle at the Blessed Mother Altar, say a Hail Mary, create a prayer corner in your home with a statue or picture of Our Lady and take a moment each day to pray there, say the rosary as a family, bring flowers to Our Lady’s Altar one weekend in May. There are so many ways we can honor and pay tribute to Our Lady and she will in return honor and guide us.
Lastly, as we continue to move forward with the Renewal in our Family of Parishes, you have seen the new Mass schedule that has been put forward for the weekend. Please know that there is a lot of other work that also continues by our pillar committees going on as well. Recommendations for our family are coming from our Spiritual Life, Liturgy, Administration, Outreach/Inreach, Forming Disciples and Stewardship Pillars on how to form our Family of Parishes for success in the future. Please pray for this important work, and ask our Blessed Mother throughout the month of May to guide this important work. As more decisions come out, they will be shared with you.
Keep Smiling 🙂 Fr. Bryan
Based on the bulletin of May 7, 2023. Edited slightly, and link added.