Lent is ordered to preparing for the celebration of Easter, since the Lenten liturgy prepares for celebration of the Paschal Mystery, both catechumens and the faithful, recall their own Baptism and do penance.
The 40 days of Lent run from Ash Wednesday up to but excluding the Mass of the Lord’s Supper.
Abstinence: All Catholics who have reached their 14th birthday are bound to abstain totally from meat on the following days: Ash Wednesday, all Fridays of Lent and Good Friday.
Fasting: All Catholics between their 18th and 59th birthdays are bound to observe the Law of Fast on the following days: Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. This practice involves limiting oneself to a single full meal and avoiding food between meals. Light sustenance may be taken on two other occasions in the course of the day.
This information is from the bulletin of February 12, 2023.