Consider this… The Road
This week we hear from the Gospel of Luke about the Road to Emmaus. Pardon me if I jump right into it, but it clearly makes me think about the Road to Renewal! The Road to Emmaus had disciples disheartened, losing faith and walking away. The Road to Renewal has some people disheartened at times, discouraged and walking away. What both scenarios failed to realize is what God was doing in the midst of their personal struggle — God was winning! Jesus walks with the disciples on the Road to Emmaus, and he walks with us on the Road to Renewal! There is new life available! All we have to do is open our hearts, welcome Jesus in, and he will transform us, our parishes, our diocese and our world!
OK, with that being said, Fr. Dan shared with you last week, our family of parishes is implementing a new Mass schedule starting the first weekend of June (2023). As we move toward June there are some things that I want to share with you that we need to prepare for as we start becoming a family of parishes.
First — Being a family means we need to welcome one another, no matter who is present, we need to be hospitable and encouraging to others. I know families at times have tension and stress, but our family of parishes must be a place where people know they are always welcome. Please begin making every effort to welcome those you may not recognize at Mass.
Second — Use your envelopes!!! Becoming a family of parishes does not stop our need to support our parish community. No matter where you attend Mass, by using your envelopes you are still supporting your parish community. Envelopes will be returned to their proper parish each week. I would also encourage you even if you are unable to contribute, to please just drop your empty envelope into the basket so we know where people are attending Mass. The new Mass schedule will be reevaluated after six months and knowing who is attending where helps in making informed decisions.
Third — Vibrant liturgies! As we move into the family of parishes, all of our Masses must be vibrant worship experiences. Our music ministry, servers, lectors, extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion, ushers, greeters must be welcoming, serve where and when they are needed and be willing to adapt to new environments. Our Masses MUST be the best they can be and we have to work at making them so. All ministers should be sure to attend our ministry night on Wednesday, April 26 (2023) with Mass at 6pm followed by our ministry meeting. Please make every effort to attend!
Fourth — We need leaders. Our parish has lost many people who used to be leaders and organizers of many events and activities. We need to pull together and energize these ministries and opportunities once again. I am asking every parishioner to pray and discern what it is they can do to assist our parish moving forward. Next week I will provide a list of volunteer ministries that we need people to take charge of. Remember, the church is the people of God, the physical building is where we gather to worship. For our church to be vibrant, the people of God need to be empowered, encouraged and supported in doing God’s work. Our family of parishes will depend upon you doing just that.
The Road to Emmaus transformed the disciples to become evangelizers and share the Good News. We are invited to do the same thing on our Road to Renewal, share the Good News and open ourselves up to the transformation that the Risen Jesus calls us to.
Keep Smiling :) Fr. Bryan
Based on the bulletin of April 23, 2023. Modified slightly and year indications added for future viewers.