Consider This … Parish Renewal
Last week I shared the state of our parish. Overall financially our parish is on the right track, but a few points that I wanted to highlight for you;
First, thank you to all who have helped St. Mary’s with your time, talent and treasure.
Second, last year was the first time our parish had a deficit at the end of the year. We want to make sure that this does not become a trend. For our parish to meet our expenses, we should be bringing in $3,000 a weekend. You will notice that the contribution totals are listed in the bulletin each week now, so we know where we stand. I ask that you please consider the current amount you’re contributing and ask if there is any way you could increase your contribution? We would greatly appreciate it.
Third, a major concern at the parish are the maintenance projects that need to be addressed at both of our sites. This past Tuesday we had an organizational Building and Grounds Committee meeting. I want to thank all those who attended this meeting. We had a GREAT turnout. I will keep you up to date as to what projects we will be tackling. There are some immediate concerns and others that will be planned for the future. Please watch the bulletin in the coming weeks as we will be having a work day at each of our parish sites to get them ready for Easter.
Fourth, we need to get people back to our parish. This will require all of us doing all we can to share what is happening and inviting others to join us. We have Jesus in the Eucharist guiding all we do. Let’s continually invite others to discover the power of the Eucharist and all that our faith is about.
Lastly, we want to start our community events and outreach again. On Saturday, March 18th (2023) our parish will host a St. Joseph’s table after the 5pm Mass at our Arcade Worship Site. This is a meatless meal that is open to all. Invite anyone to join us. A sign-up sheet will be in the back of church this weekend to let us know if you can bring a dish to pass. Also, our parish will once again host a Horse Pull in May at our East Arcade Worship Site with a Chicken BBQ. If you are able to help in any way, please call the parish office and let Debbie know to add your name to the volunteer list. More information will be forth coming on the horse pull.
One final note. As part of the Renewal and our Family of Parishes, please know that no matter what parish you attend, if you use your church envelopes, the envelope will be returned to its proper parish with the donation.
Keep smiling :)
Fr. Bryan
Based on Fr. Bryan’s letter in the bulletin of March 5, 2023. Year indication added for future viewers.