Over the past two weekends, we have celebrated the journey of two people who have expressed an interest in becoming part of our Catholic Christian community in two of our parishes.
At St. Aloysius Parish, Justin Domes has been learning more about our Christian faith and practice over the past several months and, as an unbaptized adult, we celebrated the Rite of Acceptance into the Order of Catechumens with him and his sponsor (Jonathan Michals) at the 10:30 Mass on Sunday, November 12th.
Meanwhile, at the 9:00 Mass on Sunday, November 19th, at St. Mary’s Parish in Arcade, we celebrated the Rite of Welcoming the Candidate with Mark Feltz (and his sponsor, Naomi Feltz), who was baptized in a non-Catholic church and is seeking full communion with the Catholic Church.
During the rite, the sponsors and the assembly were asked to approve and support Justin and Mark’s desire to become fully initiated members of our faith community, which they heartedly accepted.
We ask that all parishioners of the Cattaraugus Creek Catholic Community Family of Parishes continue to assist and support Justin and Mark through our prayers and the witness of our faith-filled lives as they continue their journey to full initiation into the Catholic Church.
Based on the bulletin of November 26, 2023.