Since we can no longer use St. Jude Church in Sardinia for the celebration of Mass, we are making the following changes to our Family of Parishes Mass Schedule, beginning Sunday, October 20, 2024:
Saturday 5:00 pm Mass will be celebrated at: St. Mary, Arcade (AWS). Confessions will be heard at 4:30 pm.
Intentions for the 5:00 PM Saturday evening Mass will be celebrated at the same time at St. Mary’s Church.
Daily Masses at St. Aloysius, Springville:
7:30 am — Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday.
Daily Masses at St. Mary, Arcade (AWS):
8:00 am — Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday.
(Please remember to check the latest bulletin, as our schedules may occasionally vary.)
As always, thank you for your patience and understanding as we continue the Road to Renewal.
Based on the bulletin of October 20, 2024