Looking for Name Suggestions for Our Family # 33
Currently our ‘Family of Parishes’ is referred to as ‘Family # 33.’ Our family consists of St. Aloysius of Springville, St. John The Baptist in West Valley, St. Jude in Sardinia, and St. Mary’s of Arcade and East Arcade. Please help us come up with a meaningful and descriptive name for our family!
Guidelines and Regulations: The name must…
- Embrace all parishes within the family.
- Be something all parishes can relate to in some way.
- Reflect a historical significance, geographical feature, or an acronym that represents the parishes.
- Not be a Saint’s name, so Our Family Name will not be confused with the name of a parish.
Here are the names of some of the Pilot Families: Beloved Disciples of Christ the Lord, Central Niagara Catholic Family, Eastern Rural Roman Catholic Community, Catholic Community Buffalo North, Three Catholic Sisters of the Foothills, Catholic Family of South Buffalo…
Family of Parishes Naming Ideas
Please drop in the collection basket at Mass or email ideas to staloy [at] roadrunner.com.
Thank you!!
Based on the bulletin of May 21, 2023.