Dear Parishioners,
Today we celebrate the Feast of the Epiphany or Little Christmas. Many countries celebrate Little Christmas as the day children receive their presents. We celebrate the arrival of the Wise Men; Kaspar, Balthasar and Melchior, as they bring the gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh to our Newborn King.
Chalk and incense are located in the stable near Baby Jesus at both worship sites. Please take your packet home with you this weekend. There is a Blessing Prayer enclosed with the chalk.
Thank you to our music ministry, all who decorated, all who made the liturgies so beautiful, and especially to our young people who enacted the Gospel message of Jesus’ birth in Bethlehem!
God’s Blessings Always for the New Year 2023!
Fr. Joe Gullo
Based on Fr. Joe’s letter from the bulletin of January 8, 2023.