As we continue to move forward in creating our Cattaraugus Creek Catholic Community Family of Parishes, we are pleased to announce that we have a Family Business Manager for our family of parishes, Tricia Bofinger.
Many of our St. Aloysius parishioners are familiar with Tricia, who has been the secretary/receptionist/business manager at St. Aloysius for over fifteen years.
She has also been an important part of creating our central business office for the Cattaraugus Creek Catholic Community over the past several months.
Tricia will be available at the St. Aloysius office on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday each week from 9:00 AM until 12:00 Noon.
We thank Tricia for her assistance and support in bringing our financial affairs together and are grateful for her willingness to continue serving our Family of Parishes.
Based on the bulletin of December 3, 2023.