The following is an assortment of information about Catholic Charities from past bulletins, specially selected and edited for this page.
These are challenging, uncertain times. But one thing remains a constant: Just as we have for nearly 98 years, Catholic Charities is here and ready to help now. If you have a need for food or toiletries, mental health counseling, substance abuse treatment and more, Catholic Charities is ready to answer your call. Our Helpline can be reached at 716-218-1419. The Helpline is staffed weekdays from 8:45 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. and you can leave a message at any time.
Therapy, Treatment and Counseling
You don’t have to struggle with mental health, familial or marital problems. Catholic Charities can help. The agency offer several different types of support including: marriage counseling, individual psychotherapy, family and group therapy, substance abuse treatment, diocesan counseling. For more information, see the “Counseling and Mental Health” tab under the “Services” menu on the righthand side of the following page:
Friendly Phones, Telephone Assurance Program
The Friendly Phones program serving Orleans County and Home Visitation Program in Genesee County, as well as the Telephone Assurance Program (TAP) in Erie County are free volunteer services providing regular telephone calls to home-bound elderly and disabled persons to check on their well being and to give people an opportunity to socialize. Relationships grow and last for years through a regular 5-to-10 minute call. These friendly calls can alleviate some concerns facing those who live alone, and can help them maintain their independence. If you know someone in Orleans and Genesee counties who would like to receive calls or to volunteer to make calls, call 585-343-0614, ext. 18 for Friendly Phones. If you live in Erie County, you can connect with TAP by calling 716-218-1400.
Food Pantries
Catholic Charities runs nine food pantries, seven in Erie County and a pantry in both Franklinville in Cattaraugus County and Wellsville in Allegany County. Your donation of non-perishable food items can help feed hungry individuals in your community. In light of the pandemic, all donations must be scheduled ahead of time. To schedule a time to drop off your donation, call 716-218-1400, ext. 2005. To find your nearest pantry, visit:
Care Coordination
Are you or a family member at risk for out-of-home placement? Do you need help navigating complex healthcare and social support systems? If so, we can help. Catholic Charities offers Care Coordination Services for a range of ages through Children’s Health Home Care Management and Project HOPE (Helping Older People Excel) programs.
Our care coordinators will work with you, your family, your own care providers and whoever you deem important to your health and happiness to complete comprehensive assessments and work together as a team to create a care plan directed by you so you can meet your goals. If you have a mental health diagnosis and/or multiple chronic conditions and feel you would benefit from linkage and referral to services, as well as advocacy and intervention, please visit to learn more about our Care Coordination Services.
Is your child displaying chronic negative behaviors such as noncompliance, verbal and/or physical aggression, truancy, school failure, curfew violations, running away, illegal substance abuse and/or criminal activity? Our Multisystemic Therapy Program in Erie, Niagara, Cattaraugus and Allegany counties can help. MST is an intensive, family-focused intervention program that’s facilitated in the youth’s natural environments, including the home. Think MST might be a good fit? Call 716-204-0555, ext. 5025 or visit In other WNY counties, office-based counseling is always available to families.
Catholic Charities: Hope for All Seasons. To make a secure online donation, visit