In addition to supporting Catholic Charities, Appeal 2022 also benefits the Fund for the Faith. Established in 1937 by Bishop John Duffy out of concern for those in need of spiritual comfort due to hardships of the Great Depression, the Fund for the Faith continues to provide spiritual nourishment throughout our diocese today. Proceeds provide ministry support services that are instrumental to the vitality of our faith experience and enable us to spread the Gospel message of Christ’s love. If you have already given this year, thank you! Give the gift of HOPE for all seasons.
“Whatever you did for the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me,”
Jesus calls us to help and love our neighbors, especially those who are most vulnerable and struggling.
Catholic Charities of Buffalo offers several basic and emergency services, such as food, rehousing, medications and clothing.
Your donation to the Appeal 2022 today can help ensure that the hungry have food, the naked have clothing, and those facing eviction have shelter.
If you have already given this year, thank you!
Give the gift of HOPE for all seasons.
Visit or text GIVEHOPE22 to 44321 today!
The above is edited from copy found in the bulletin of March 13, 2022 and March 20, 2022.