“Thank You to everyone who helped make our Drive-Thru Chicken BBQ Basket & Grand Drawing Raffles a wonderful success! All of your help and support is truly appreciated!” Linda Jean George, Amy Opferbeck & Todd Salzler
“Thank you to everyone who supported our Drive-Thru/Dine-In Chicken Barbecue, Basket & Grand Drawing Raffle last weekend! Because of your generous support, this first fundraiser after 2 years of the pandemic, was a great success!!
I want to thank Linda Jean George, Amy Opferbeck and Todd Salzler for all their hard work coordinating this fundraising event. I also thank the “Barbecue Pit Crew”, the “Kitchen Crew”, all of our volunteers who worked in the serving line, especially our youth who greeted the Drive-Thru customers, took the orders, delivered the dinners to each car and kept the line running smoothly! I also thank the young people who entertained our young children with the games and served the delicious ice cream!
The basket raffle was amazing! We had a total of 132 baskets donated! Thanks to all who donated baskets! Your generosity is truly appreciated!
Congratulations and thank you to everyone who returned your Grand Drawing Raffle Tickets!
To all of our parishioners who worked “behind the scene” the day before preparing the grounds, final set up the morning of, all of the hard work during the day and cleaning up afterward, thank you! You helped make this fundraising event a great success. God Bless you all!
— Based on Fr. Joe’s letter from the bulletin of August 14, 2022, edited.
Contents of this post based on the bulletin of August 14, 2022.