Consider this… Help lead into the future!
On this Fourth Sunday of Easter, we hear that Jesus is the gatekeeper. The role and image of gatekeeper gives us a sense that everything goes through Jesus who is the gate to heaven. As we look at our parish, all that we do is meant to work through Jesus. Each of us is called to a great responsibility to help one another get to the gate by all that we do. The same is true for our parish community.
As we move into a Family of Parishes model, it is important for us to realize that all of us have a part to play in making sure our parish is vibrant and successful into the future. With that being said, there are many things that need leadership within our parish. I am asking that you please consider if you would be willing to help in any of the following areas. If you are, please contact Debbie at the rectory so we can get a list of parish leaders together that are helping our parish function as we move forward in the Family of Parishes.
We need:
- Sacristans to help with setup for masses, change candles, setup for liturgies.
- People who would be responsible for opening and locking up the church/hall as needed.
- Worship Team/Liturgy Committee that will help coordinate liturgy in our parish and function on the Family Liturgy Committee.
- Donut Social Sunday leaders — doesn’t mean you have to coordinate every Sunday, but we are looking for people to sign up for specific weekends each month to take responsibility.
- Coordinator of Prayer Chain Ministry.
- Members of Finance Council.
- Maintenance Coordinator — making sure regular maintenance items are handled at each worship site.
- Landscape helpers — people who are willing to help weed, plant and water our landscaping.
- Baptismal preparation coordinator — helping young parents prepare to have their children baptized.
- Hospitality — greeting at Mass, checking in with parishioners who have not been at church to see how they are doing.
These are the top ten areas in which we need help. Please prayerfully consider how you might be able to assist in any of these areas. Training opportunities for each area are available.
Next Sunday (May 7, 2023) is First Communion and our May Crownings’. Please pray for our three young people who will be receiving Jesus for the very first time and as a parish dedicated to Our Lady, please join in our Solemn May Crowning by bringing flowers to present to Mary. Weather permitting, both May Crownings’ will take place outside.
Lastly — Mother’s Day is fast approaching. I am inviting the men of our parish to cook a Mother’s Day Breakfast for the women of our parish. This would take place at the Arcade Worship Site on Mother’s Day after the 8:30 am mass. Sign-ups for our men to cook and women to attend are in the back of church. Please help recognize the beautiful women of our parish on this important day.
Keep Smiling 🙂 Fr. Bryan
Based on the bulletin of April 30, 2023. Slightly edited, links added, and date added for future viewers.